I Know! 

I know what it’s like to feel tired. The way your bones crack and the way it aches… I know.

I know it’s tiresome to even exist sometimes, the world we live in is an exhausting place to be. It’s wearing. It’s thankless. It’s mostly tiring and rarely rewarding. I know this world, it takes more from you than it gives. And you, you are tired of loving too much, caring too much, always giving too much to the world that rarely gives anything back. You are tired of investing into pool of uncertainties. You are tired of grey, the same grey which reminds you of those heart cringing moments. 

I know you were not always this worn out. I know you used to be that person buzzing with gobs of energy. I know you used to be a pool of optimism and how you used to outweigh your cynicism and you had an immense amount in you to give.

I know your hopes has been chipped away and worn down piece by piece, a broken heart here and an unkept promise there! I know the world was never fair with you and you lost more than you won. I know you feel uninspired and demotivated to get up and try again. I know.

Beacause the truth is we are all tired, tired of the battles we fight everyday. Exhausted from the war we always have inside ourselves. The storm we carry every moment, it’s going to exhaust us.

 But you being tired will not help. When you are tired, go slowly, go at your pace, go quietly, go timidly. But do not stop. Because you are tired for all the right reasons. Don’t forget that you are tired because you’re supposed to be! You are tired because you tried. So all that pain is going to pass, just hang in there…

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